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中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03) : 171 -177. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2024.03.008


李娜1,(), 李永犇1, 张青1   
  1. 1. 061000 河北省沧州中西医结合医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-11 出版日期:2024-06-05
  • 通信作者: 李娜
  • 基金资助:

Construction and verification of prediction model for refracture in 2-year in elderly patients with limb fracture

Na Li1,(), Yongben Li1, Qing Zhang1   

  1. 1. Hebei Cangzhou Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Hebei, Cangzhou 061000, China
  • Received:2024-01-11 Published:2024-06-05
  • Corresponding author: Na Li

李娜, 李永犇, 张青. 老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的预测模型构建及验证[J]. 中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志, 2024, 10(03): 171-177.

Na Li, Yongben Li, Qing Zhang. Construction and verification of prediction model for refracture in 2-year in elderly patients with limb fracture[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(03): 171-177.










To construct a prediction model for refracture in 2-year in elderly patients with limb fracture, and verify its prediction efficacy.


A total of 148 elderly patients with limb fracture treated in our hospital from January 2020 to December 2020 were selected as the training group, which was used to construct the nomogram prediction model, and the Boot-strap method was used for internal verification. A total of 86 elderly patients with limb fracture treated in our hospital from January 2021 to July 2021 were selected as the verification group to conduct external verification of the prediction model.


In the training group, 148 patients were followed up for 2 years, 6 cases were lost to follow-up, 142 cases were effectively followed up, and 27 cases were re-fractured, with an incidence of 19.01% (27/142). In the training group, the number of women with refracture in the 2-year, combined with diabetes, malnutrition, combined with osteoporosis, loose fixation, glucocorticoid use, living alone was higher than that of patients without refracture, the age was higher than that of patients without refracture, and the skeletal muscle index of limbs, early load exercise, and calcium supplement were lower than that of patients without refracture (P<0.05). Skeletal muscle index of limbs was an independent protective factor for refracture in the 2-year in the training group, and age, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and living alone were independent risk factors (P<0.05). According to the Logistic regression analysis results, a risk prediction model for refracture of patients in the 2-year was constructed. logit (P)=-14.622+0.220×age -0.521×skeletal muscle index of limbs+1.724×diabetes mellitus +1.485×osteoporosis +1.282×solitude. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test showed that χ2=6.411, DF=8, P=0.601, indicating a good fit. The internal verification showed that C-index was 0.833 with good differentiation, Brier score was 0.107, calibration slope was 0.666, and calibration degree was good. External verification showed that AUC value was 0.897, 95%CI was 0.810-0.953, sensitivity was 77.78%, specificity was 85.94%, and it had good discrimination ability. Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed good fit, Brier score was 0.094, and calibration slope was 0.793. Good calibration.


Elderly patients with limb fracture have a high incidence of refracture in the 2-year, and the influencing factors include age, skeletal muscle index of limbs, combined with diabetes, combined with osteoporosis, and living alone. Medical personnel should conduct targeted management of high-risk groups according to the characteristics of patients and high-risk factors to reduce the incidence of refracture.

表1 训练组老年四肢骨折患者是否发生再骨折的资料
是否再骨折 性别 年龄(岁) BMI(kg/m2 四肢骨骼肌指数(kg/m2 骨折至就诊时间(h)
再骨折(n=27) 11(40.74) 15(55.56) 72.52±4.32 22.85±2.03 5.92±1.47 5.91±0.68
未再骨折(n=115) 73(63.48) 42(36.52) 70.06±4.18 23.02±2.14 6.79±1.60 6.03±0.64
χ2/t 4.679 2.757 0.375 2.580 0.867
P 0.031 0.007 0.708 0.011 0.388
是否再骨折 吸烟 饮酒 营养不良 合并骨质疏松 既往骨折史
再骨折(n=27) 8(29.63) 11(40.74) 11(40.74) 15(55.56) 1(3.70)
未再骨折(n=115) 30(26.09) 42(36.52) 23(20.00) 24(20.87) 3(2.61)
χ2 0.140 0.166 5.165 13.206 -
P 0.708 0.683 0.023 <0.001 1.000
是否再骨折 合并基础疾病
高血压 糖尿病 高脂血症 类风湿关节炎 慢阻肺 冠心病
再骨折(n=27) 11(40.74) 8(29.63) 6(22.22) 2(7.41) 2(7.41) 4(14.81)
未再骨折(n=115) 32(27.83) 11(9.57) 20(17.39) 5(4.35) 3(2.61) 8(6.96)
χ2 1.728 5.963 0.095 0.028 - 0.877
P 0.189 0.015 0.758 0.867 0.241 0.349
是否再骨折 使用糖皮质激素 独居 骨折部位
尺桡骨 胫腓骨 肱骨 股骨
再骨折(n=27) 9(33.33) 20(74.07) 10(37.04) 8(29.63) 6(22.22) 3(11.11)
未再骨折(n=115) 17(14.78) 56(48.70) 43(37.39) 35(30.43) 24(20.87) 13(11.30)
χ2 3.867 5.661 0.025
P 0.049 0.017 0.999
是否再骨折 骨折原因 补充钙剂
跌倒 交通事故 坠落 其他(体位改变、扭伤)
再骨折(n=27) 13(48.15) 6(22.22) 4(14.81) 4(14.81) 3(11.11)
未再骨折(n=115) 56(47.46) 28(23.73) 16(13.56) 18(15.25) 35(30.43)
χ2 0.051 4.166
P 0.997 0.041
是否再骨折 开放性骨折 手术治疗 软组织缺损 固定物松动 早期负荷锻炼
再骨折(n=27) 6(22.22) 18(66.67) 5(18.52) 6(25.93) 14(51.85)
未再骨折(n=115) 13(11.30) 68(59.13) 10(8.70) 8(6.96) 85(73.91)
χ2 1.406 0.520 1.315 4.145 5.041
P 0.236 0.471 0.252 0.042 0.025
是否再骨折 户外活动 奶制品摄入情况
从不 <30 min/d ≥30 min/d 从不 <250 ml/d ≥250 ml/d
再骨折(n=27) 7(25.93) 10(37.04) 10(37.04) 12(44.44) 12(44.44) 3(11.11)
未再骨折(n=115) 22(19.13) 45(39.13) 48(41.74) 41(35.65) 51(44.35) 23(20.00)
χ2 0.638 χ2=1.397
P 0.727 0.497
表2 训练组老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的相关因素
表3 训练组老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的影响因素
图1 老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的列线图模型
图2 老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折列线图模型的校准曲线
图3 老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的风险预测模型外部验证的ROC曲线
图4 老年四肢骨折患者2年内再骨折的风险预测模型外部验证的校准曲线
表4 验证组四肢骨骼肌指数、年龄、合并糖尿病、合并骨质疏松、独居资料
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