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中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (02) : 99 -104. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2019.02.007

所属专题: 文献


胡鸿鹏1, 高勇岗1, 刘泽明1, 马文辉1, 李振中1, 李向科1, 秦迪1, 李会杰1, 韩永台1,()   
  1. 1. 050051 石家庄,河北医科大学第三医院骨病科
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-25 出版日期:2019-04-05
  • 通信作者: 韩永台

Clinical study on the relationship between knee deformity and tibial rotation in knee osteoarthritis patients

Hongpeng Hu1, Yonggang Gao1, Zeming Liu1, Wenhui Ma1, Zhenzhong Li1, Xiangke Li1, Di Qi1, Huijie Li1, Yongtai Han1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Bone Disease, the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
  • Received:2018-09-25 Published:2019-04-05
  • Corresponding author: Yongtai Han

胡鸿鹏, 高勇岗, 刘泽明, 马文辉, 李振中, 李向科, 秦迪, 李会杰, 韩永台. 膝关节骨关节炎患者膝关节内翻畸形与胫骨旋转角关系的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志, 2019, 05(02): 99-104.

Hongpeng Hu, Yonggang Gao, Zeming Liu, Wenhui Ma, Zhenzhong Li, Xiangke Li, Di Qi, Huijie Li, Yongtai Han. Clinical study on the relationship between knee deformity and tibial rotation in knee osteoarthritis patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2019, 05(02): 99-104.






KOA组FTA为(182.6±2.5)°,对照组FTA为(174.8±2.9)°,KOA组的FTA大于对照组(t=41.598,P<0.01);KOA组TTA为(20±8)°,对照组TTA为(25±8)°,KOA组的TTA小于对照组(t=6.360,P<0.01),对照组和KOA组男性[(174.3±2.2)° vs(181.9±2.2)°,t=24.319,P<0.01],女性[(175.0±2.4)° vs(184.8±3.3)°,t=17.490,P<0.01],40~59岁组[(173.1±2.0)° vs(177.0±2.2)°,t=63.808,P<0.01],60~69岁组[(174.7±2.0)° vs(179.2±2.2)°,t=76.181,P<0.01],>70岁组[(176.7±2.6)° vs(188.5±3.1)°,t=49.259,P<0.01],左侧[(175.3±2.2)° vs(183.9±3.3)°,t=29.871,P<0.01],右侧[(175.0±3.2)° vs(182.3±2.8)°,t=28.658,P<0.01]亚组间FTA差异有统计学意义;对照组和KOA组男性[(25±8)° vs(21±8)°,t=3.198,P<0.01],女性[(26±7)° vs(20±10)°,t=4.719,P<0.01],>70岁组[(23±10)° vs(18±8)°,t=6.651,P<0.01],左侧[(25±9)° vs(20±8)°,t=4.512,P<0.01],右侧[(25±9)° vs(21±8)°,t=2.973,P<0.01]亚组间TTA差异有统计学意义。KOA组40~59岁组(r=-0.317,P<0.05),60~69岁组(r=-0.429,P<0.05),>70岁组(r=-0.810,P<0.01),K-L分级Ⅱ级(r=-0.387,P<0.05),Ⅲ级(r=-0.442,P<0.05),Ⅳ级(r=-0.834,P<0.01)各亚组内胫股角和胫骨旋转角有相关性。




To explore the relationship between knee varus deformity and the rotation Angle of the tibia in patients with osteoarthritis of knee joint.


80 patients with knee osteoarthritis and 50 normal people were randomly selected and divided into KOA group and control group. The difference and correlation of femorotibial angle (FTA) and tibial rotation angle (TTA) between the two groups were compared.


In the KOA group, the FTA is (182.6±2.5)°, the FTA in the control group is (174.8±2.9)°, FTA of the KOA group is bigger than the control group (t=41.598, P<0.01); and TTA of the KOA group is (20±8)°, the control group is (25±8)°, which is smaller than the control group (t=6.360, P<0.01). The FTA differences between the control group and the KOA group were statistically significant among males [(174.3±2.2)° vs (181.9±2.2)°, t=24.319, P<0.01], females [(175.0±2.4)° vs (184.8±3.3)°, t=17.490, P<0.01], 40-59 year [(173.1±2.0)° vs (177.0±2.2)°, t=63.808, P<0.01], 60-69 year [(174.7±2.0)° vs (179.2±2.2)°, t=76.181, P<0.01], >70 year [(176.7±2.6)° vs (188.5±3.1)°, t=49.259, P<0.01], left side [(175.3±2.2)° vs (183.9±3.3)°, t=29.871, P<0.01] and right side [(175.0±3.2)° vs (182.3±2.8)°, t=28.658, P<0.01] subgroups. The TTA difference of male [(25±8)° vs (21±8)°, t=3.198, P<0.01], female [(26±7)° vs (20±10)°, t=4.719, P<0.01], >70 year group [(23±10)° vs (18±8)°, t=6.651, P<0.01], the left side [(25±9)° vs (20±8)°, t=4.512, P<0.01], the right side [(25±9)° vs (21±8)°, t=2.973, P<0.01] between control group and KOA group were statistically significant. In KOA group, FTA in 40-59 year group (r=-0.317, P<0.05), 60-69 year group (r=-0.429, P<0.05), >70 year group (r=-0.810, P<0.01), K-L class Ⅱ (r=-0.387, P<0.05), Ⅲ (r=-0.442, P<0.05), Ⅳ(r=-0.834, P<0.01) were all correlated with TTA.


The knee joint deformity of knee osteoarthritis was negatively correlated with the rotation angle of tibia, and its correlation was influenced by age and K-L classification.

表1 膝关节炎内翻患者与膝关节正常者一般资料比较
图3 a为胫骨后髁轴,b为股骨后髁轴的层面投射,a和b所成夹角为β,即胫骨旋转角
表2 膝关节炎内翻患者与膝关节正常者FTA测量结果比较(°,±s
表3 膝关节炎内翻患者与膝关节正常者TTA测量结果比较(°,±s
表4 FTA与TTA的相关性分析
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