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中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (02) : 96 -103. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2022.02.005


杨良栋(), 张华泽, 何举仁, 高艳刚, 李栋   
  1. 054000 华北医疗健康集团邢台总医院创伤骨科
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-15 出版日期:2022-04-05
  • 通信作者: 杨良栋
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of efficacy and safety of locking plate and interlocking intramedullary nail in the treatment of Neer type 2 and 3 partial humeral fractures in the elderly

Liangdong Yang(), Huaze Zhang, Juren He, Yangang Gao, Dong Li   

  1. Department of Traumatic Orthopaedics, North China Medical Heath Group, Xingtai General Hospital, Xingtai 054000, China
  • Received:2021-07-15 Published:2022-04-05
  • Corresponding author: Liangdong Yang

杨良栋, 张华泽, 何举仁, 高艳刚, 李栋. 锁定钢板与交锁髓内钉固定治疗老年Neer分型2、3部分肱骨近端骨折的疗效比较[J/OL]. 中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志, 2022, 08(02): 96-103.

Liangdong Yang, Huaze Zhang, Juren He, Yangang Gao, Dong Li. Comparison of efficacy and safety of locking plate and interlocking intramedullary nail in the treatment of Neer type 2 and 3 partial humeral fractures in the elderly[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2022, 08(02): 96-103.




回顾性分析87例肱骨近端骨折临床资料,男性37例,女性52例,平均年龄(57.7±7.1)岁;锁定钢板组52例,髓内钉组37例;查阅患者病历资料、手术报告和随访资料,记录两组患者的手术切口、手术时间、术中出血、住院时间、骨折愈合所需时间,以及术后1、3、6和12个月随访时患者的肩关节功能、活动度和并发症。采用SPSS 25.0进行统计学描述和分析。


患者的随访时间为(14.1±3.6)个月(12~21个月)。在切口长度[(6.7±2.7)vs(11.6±3.8) cm,P=0.001]、手术时间[(104±37) vs(138±47)min,P=0.001]、失血量[(158±114) vs.(336±185) ml,P<0.001)方面,髓内钉组显著优于锁定板固定组。髓内钉组较锁定板组具有更好的早期恢复优势[3个月时,ASES得分(69±7)分vs(59±9)分;Constant-Murley得分(62±8)分vs.(51±7)分;6个月时,ASES得分(84±6)分vs(72±9)分,Constant-Murley得分(76±7)分vs.(71±7)分,外旋(42±6)°vs(36±7)°],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);在末次随访时,两组功能评分和活动度差异均无统计学意义。




To compare the efficacy of locking plate versus interlocking intramedullary nail in the treatment of Neer type 2 and 3 partial humeral fractures.


The clinical data of 89 cases of humeral fractures were retrospectively analyzed, including 52 cases in locking plate group and 37 cases in intramedullary nail group, 37 males and 52 females, with an average age of (57.7±7.1) years. 61% (50/82) of fractures were caused by falls.There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of demographics, comorbidities, and injury characteristics. The medical records, operative reports and follow-ups of the patients were reviewed. The surgical incision, operation time, intraoperative bleeding, hospital stay, time required for fracture healing, as well as the shoulder joint function, range of motion and complications during the follow-ups at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively were recorded. Statistical description and analysis were performed using SPSS 25.0.


Patients were followed up for (14.1 ± 3.6) months (12 to 21 months). For surgical parameters, the intramedullary nail group performed significantly better than the locking plate fixation group, and the differences were statistically significant: incision length (6.7±2.7 cm vs. 11.6±3.8 cm, P=0.001), operation time (104±37 mins vs. 138±47 mins, P=0.001), and blood loss (158±114 ml vs 336±185 ml, P<0.001). Intramedullary nailing with locking plate group had significant advantage in early recovery [ASES score 69±7 vs. 59±9, Constant-Murley score 62±8 vs 51±7 at 3 months, ASES score 84±6 vs 72±9, Constant-Murley score 76±7 vs 71±7, external rotation (42±6)° vs (36°±7)° at 6 months], with all P<0.05, at last follow-up, there was no statistical difference in functional score and range of motion between the two groups.


Intramedullary fixation is superior to locking plate fixation in the treatment of 2 and 3 part humeral fractures in terms of surgical parameters and early functional recovery. Intramedullary fixation can be recommended for patients with particular needfor early functional recovery.

图1 流程图,初步纳入261例,其中172例被排除,留下89例纳入数据统计分析
表1 锁定板组与髓内钉组肱骨近端骨折患者一般情况对比
图8~13 女性患者,43岁,摔倒导致右侧肱骨近端Neer分型2部分骨折(术前X线和CT扫描所示,图8~11),于伤后2 d接受交锁髓内钉固定,术后X线显示复位固定良好(图12~13)
表2 锁定板组与髓内钉组肱骨近端骨折患者手术参数对比(±s
表3 锁定板组和髓内钉组肱骨近端骨折患者术后功能评分和肩关节活动度比较(±s
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