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中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (02) : 80 -87. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2024.02.003


邢皓1, 常正奇1, 崔浩诚1, 于秀淳1,()   
  1. 1. 解放军联勤保障部队第九六〇医院,骨病科
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-29 出版日期:2024-04-05
  • 通信作者: 于秀淳
  • 基金资助:
    山东省自然科学基金(ZR202212010123); 2023年度解放军第九六〇医院青年自主创新科学基金(2023FY03); 军队中医药服务能力培育与提升专项基金资助

Clinical report on the treatment of 11 middle-aged and elderly patients with primary thoracolumbar intervertebral space infection by expanding intervertebral foramen approach combined with closed negative pressure drainage

Hao Xing1, Zhengqi Chang1, Haocheng Cui1, Xiuchun Yu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Osteopathy, 960th Hospital of PLA, No.25 tianqiao district Normal Road, Jinan, Shandong, 250031 Jinan, China.
  • Received:2023-10-29 Published:2024-04-05
  • Corresponding author: Xiuchun Yu

邢皓, 常正奇, 崔浩诚, 于秀淳. 扩大椎间孔入路联合封闭负压引流治疗11例中老年原发性胸腰椎椎间隙感染的临床报告[J]. 中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志, 2024, 10(02): 80-87.

Hao Xing, Zhengqi Chang, Haocheng Cui, Xiuchun Yu. Clinical report on the treatment of 11 middle-aged and elderly patients with primary thoracolumbar intervertebral space infection by expanding intervertebral foramen approach combined with closed negative pressure drainage[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(02): 80-87.




首次应用扩大椎间孔入路清创+负压引流海绵(vaccum sealing drainage, VSD)植入到胸腰椎间隙联合治疗原发性脊椎感染,通过分期微创手术来提高手术率,封闭负压引流治疗来降低复发率。分析2018年6月至2022年11月在我院接受VSD治疗,无脊柱畸形且累及到椎间隙的胸腰椎感染患者共11例。随访并观察术后功能评分。






Dealing with primary spinal infections in the elderly, especially when they spread to the intervertebral space, presents a major challenge for spinal surgeons. Traditional surgery has a low tolerance and cure rate for elderly patients because of the significant trauma it inflicts.


The initial use of the expanded intervertebral foramen approach for debridement, combined with the implantation of a negative pressure drainage sponge (Vaccum Sealing Drainage, VSD) into the thoracolumbar space for treating primary spinal infection, aims to enhance the surgical success rate through staged minimally invasive procedures and to decrease the recurrence rate through closed negative pressure drainage treatment. From June 2018, to November 2022, our hospital treated a total of 11 patients with thoracolumbar infection using VSD. None of these patients had spinal deformities or involvement of intervertebral spaces. After the surgery, make sure to monitor and observethe functional scores of the patient.


All 11 patients achieved clinical cure during the 3-month follow-up after surgery, with no surgical-related deaths. However, one patient died of acute cerebral infarction 5 months after surgery, while the remaining 10 patients completed 12 months of follow-up. After receiving VSD treatment, all patients demonstrated a significant improvement in JOA scores, and there were no recurrences at the last follow-up.


The combination of expanding the intervertebral foramen approach for debridement with VSD treatment has been found to be both feasible and safe for treating primary thoracolumbar vertebral infection in elderly patients. The short-term follow-up results have shown clear effectiveness.

表1 11例中老年原发性胸腰椎椎间隙感染患者的一般资料
图2 女,62岁,腰椎感染(L5/S1),A为将Kambin三角扩大后的手术入路开口;B为修剪后的VSD海绵经扩大椎间孔入路置入病灶椎间隙位置;C为置入椎间隙前修剪成型的VSD海绵;D为分期植骨时所取自体骨粒子;E、F为术后随访所观察到的椎体融合情况。
表2 11例中老年原发性胸腰椎椎间隙感染患者治疗情况
序列 抗生素 手术部位 手术总时间(min) 总出血量(ml) 术后5天总引流量(ml) 并发症 C反蛋白(mg/L) 恢复正常的时间(天) 术前JOA 术后3月JOA
1 进口头孢克洛(p.o,0.5g,q8h)
L5/S1 371 880 225 27.5 64 9 23
2 盐酸多西环素(i.v,0.1g,q12h)
进口注射用亚胺培南司汀钠(i.v,0.5g, q8h)
L5/S1 224 210 215 154 37 10 25
3 进口头孢克洛胶囊(p.o,0.25g,q8h)
T7/8 325 245 150 110.78 43 9 24
4 盐酸多西环素(i.v,0.2g,q12h)
T11/12 258 280 135 17.41 34 11 28
5 头孢呋辛钠(i.v,1.5g,q8h) L2/3 317 420 155 术后2天应激性胃炎 24.6 52 9 24
6 头孢哌酮钠、舒巴坦(i.v.,4.0g,q12h) L4-S1 335 800 225 术后5月死于脑梗 94.25 40 8 17
7 头孢呋辛钠(i.v,1.5g,q8h) L1-4 391 710 185 82.4 74 7 18
8 头孢呋辛钠(i.v,1.5g,q8h) T7-10 189 250 215 19.5 20 12 25
9 头孢呋辛钠(i.v,1.5g,q8h) T11-L2 217 120 215 26.9 25 15 23
10 头孢呋辛钠(i.v,1.5g,q8h)
L2/3 334 150 170 104.08 46 10 22
11 盐酸多西环素(i.v,0.1g,q12h)
L3/4 414 370 185 36.11 39 11 24
图1 女,62岁,腰椎感染(L5/S1),A、B、D为患者入院时行CT及MRI检查结果所示L5/S1椎间隙及相邻椎体骨质破坏,有死骨形成,可见椎间隙有脓液存在,向前波及前纵韧带,周围软组织肿胀;C、E为患者一期VSD治疗后的MRI结果所示椎间隙脓液消失,椎间隙、周围软组织及相邻椎体的炎性高信号消失。
表3 文献报道近10年脊柱感染手术情况
文献 年龄(岁) 病例数 术后血沉(mm/h) 手术名称 手术时间 出血量(ml) 并发症 随访时间
Lai15 42.3±9.8 32 1个月均值28.5 病灶清除内固定术 105.7±16.3(min) 206.5±39.2 平均12个月
Jin16 39.07±18.30 54 24周均降为正常 病灶清除单节段固定 4.05±0.59(h) 750.3±51.35 58.09 ± 17.01月
Jin16 41.98±15.20 52 24周均降为正常 病灶清除短节段固定 6.13±0.81(h) 1150.6±60.23 58.09 ± 17.01月
Shen17 42.3±10.1 30 术后3个月11.5 ± 3.3 单纯后路病灶清除内固定 140.2±20.4(min) 641.2±148.2 3脑脊液漏,2例表浅感染 36.5 ± 9.2
Fu18 59.9±12.1 31 50.8±29.3天恢复正常 前路减压内固定术 (-) 585±428 1人肾衰竭及真菌感染死亡;4人非计划二次手术 超过2年
Fu18 56.5±14.4 37 38.4±21.6天恢复正常 椎间孔镜病灶清除引流术 (-) <50 5例再次行清除术内固定术 超过2年
Qian19 43.8±11.5 37 3个月平均值降为正常 胸腰椎病灶清除植骨内固定 223.5±41.7(min) 812.6±309.2 2例肺部感染,4例切口感染 >12月到临床治愈
Qian19 45.3±12.6 37 3个月平均值降为36 胸腰椎单纯后路内固定术 87.4±18.9(min) 104.7±25.0 >12月到临床治愈
Chen20 65.6±9.73 41 术后3个月33.46±27.51 单间隙椎间孔镜清理病灶 (-) (-) 后凸畸形1例 平均42.46月
Zeng21 31.7 56 (-) 前路清创单棒内固定术 203.66±43.12 530.45±121.63 2例复发,1例损伤胸膜,1例药物性肝炎,8例断钉 平均37.5月
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