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中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (02) : 65 -69. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-0263.2024.02.001


李泳龙1, 胡经略1, 杨振邦2, 王天宇2, 程鑫群2, 吴东蔚2, 李承思2, 蔚佳昊2, 郭海川2, 朱燕宾1, 张英泽3,()   
  1. 1. 050051 石家庄,河北省骨科研究所;河北省骨科生物力学重点实验室;河北医科大学第三医院创伤急救中心;国家卫生健康委骨科智能器材重点实验室
    2. 河北医科大学第三医院创伤急救中心
    3. 050051 石家庄,河北省骨科研究所;河北省骨科生物力学重点实验室;河北医科大学第三医院创伤急救中心;国家卫生健康委骨科智能器材重点实验室;100088 北京,中国工程院
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-21 出版日期:2024-04-05
  • 通信作者: 张英泽
  • 基金资助:
    中央引导地方科技发展资金(科技创新基地项目:No. 236Z7754G)

Preliminary Study on the Clinical Application of the Physical Constipation Relief Instrument (PCRI) in Elderly Orthopedic Patients

Yonglong Li1, Jinglue Hu1, Zhenbang Yang2, Tianyu Wang2, Xinqun Cheng2, Dongwei Wu2, Chengsi Li2, Jiahao Yu2, Haichuan Guo2, Yanbin Zhu2, Yingze Zhang2,()   

  1. 1. Orthopedic Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050051, Hebei Province; Key Laboratory of Orthopedic Biomechanics, Hebei Province; Trauma Emergency Center, Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University; Key Laboratory of Orthopedic Intelligent Device of National Health Commission
    2. Trauma Emergency Center, Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University
  • Received:2024-03-21 Published:2024-04-05
  • Corresponding author: Yingze Zhang

李泳龙, 胡经略, 杨振邦, 王天宇, 程鑫群, 吴东蔚, 李承思, 蔚佳昊, 郭海川, 朱燕宾, 张英泽. 物理通便器在老年骨科患者中临床应用的初步研究[J]. 中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志, 2024, 10(02): 65-69.

Yonglong Li, Jinglue Hu, Zhenbang Yang, Tianyu Wang, Xinqun Cheng, Dongwei Wu, Chengsi Li, Jiahao Yu, Haichuan Guo, Yanbin Zhu, Yingze Zhang. Preliminary Study on the Clinical Application of the Physical Constipation Relief Instrument (PCRI) in Elderly Orthopedic Patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(02): 65-69.










To introduce a physical stool evacuator for the treatment of constipation and to preliminarily evaluate its clinical efficacy.


A prospective study was conducted from February 2023 to October 2023 at the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University among 46 elderly patients (> 60 years old) with constipation during orthopedic hospitalization. Among them, there were 21 males (45.7%) and 25 females (54.3%), with a mean age of 71.4 ± 8.7 years. Subgroup analysis was performed based on patient characteristics and the nature of constipation to assess the success rate of the physical stool evacuator in different patient groups.


The overall success rate of the physical stool evacuator was 91.3% (42/46). For patients with constipation occurring preoperatively, postoperatively, and habitually, the success rates were 100.0% (8/8), 94.4% (17/18), and 85.0% (17/20), respectively. Compared to patients without outlet obstruction-type constipation, the success rate of the physical stool evacuator was higher in patients with outlet obstruction-type constipation at 100.0% (24/24).


The physical bowel stimulator has shown good clinical efficacy in alleviating constipation among elderly patients hospitalized for fractures, demonstrating universality across different elderly fracture patient groups.

图1~5 图1物理通便器整体实物图,图2~3物理通便器机身结构,图4物理通便器驱动电路,图5物理通便器电机水箱
表1 物理通便器治疗便秘的临床疗效
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